Thursday, November 23, 2006

< Insert pointless title >

Okay okay okay okay, I'm SORRY.

The filler explains why I do not have proper comics to cover my absence.

Other than that, I'm preparing for a convention and I've looked forward to it so long, I completely forgot about it when it was time to pack for it.

Thusly, no regular update on friday. But hey, at least the filler is in colour.

Anyway, it's not that I haven't been working. In fact, I've got two pages done in a story I'm not going to upload yet. I want to finish the J-Popcon report and part 2 of "Power" first.

After that, though, you'll get to see the new story.
It fulfils an old, old promise I made, and it carries a little surprise for readers of a certain other comic.
Anyways, I'm off to con tomorrow, won't be back 'till Sunday. You all keep your grooves up.

Cloud out.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Lies and trickery!

NOTE: Regular updates resume from Wednesday the 22nd of November!
So we're back anyway.

I'm sorry for sending you all off until december 10th. Basically, I figured out the major technical errors weren't so great and went ahead with my original plan.

Well, don't complain. Stuff is up and working. Or will be in a few minutes. I've got a few kinks to work out. Files to delete and such.

Anyway, there's a new front page, new way of browsing and a mild update to the NBAQ. One question, but still... It's relevant if you don't intend to finish reading this newspost.

Here's how it works: there is now a "Stories"-section. It contains the stories. Should be easy enough to figure out.

There is an image on the main page showing which story has been updated latest, and in the Stories section itself are dates underneath each button showing when the last update took place (or if the story is finished.

Go read now. There's two new pages in part 2 of the "Power"-story.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


We are NOT back. We were supposed to be, but we're not.
I'm really sorry about this, but I'm going to have to extend the hiatus.

Once a piece of major, grade-determining schoolwork I've put off for too long is off my back and the christmas-month begins, I might be able to do something about this site.
I am setting a deadline for my return at December 10th!
This is a very late deadline and it's entirely possible we will return sooner, so check back a few times.

It's a combination of a lot of things that's done it.

I had a redesign primed and ready to upload. I also had planned out how it would work and how things would go from now on.

Not gonna happen.

I won't get into details, but AutoKeen - the updating system that automates this site - got in the way several times. All the blame is not on the system, however. I made a couple of rather major technical errors while designing the new layout.

All in all, the only result of all my work is a lot of wasted time. Well, that, and the new frontpage, I guess.

Now for schoolwork... My god. I swear they're trying to kill me. Or make me kill myself. Probably the latter.

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